How Do I Write a Dissertation Conclusion?

Olivia Smith | Views 👁️ 204

How Do I Write a Dissertation Conclusion?

Do you want to write a dissertation conclusion? Are you looking for important things to remember while writing the conclusion? After writing a dissertation, it is important to write an impactful conclusion by giving complete insights into what your paper has been about and what you are planning to say through your dissertation.

We have created a blog with five tips on how to properly write the Dissertation Conclusion, ensuring the readers are interested. For your better understanding, we have also included the examples below in the blog.

Let’s start by knowing how long should your conclusion be - 

What Is The Length of the Dissertation Conclusion?

The length of the dissertation conclusion depends completely on the complexity of your research and the word count for your dissertation. As per academic guidelines, the conclusion is 5-7% of the whole dissertation. For example, if your dissertation has 25000 words in total then your conclusion should be written in about 1500-2000 words.

The conclusions written for dissertations are often brief to remind the reader of the purpose along with their insights and what they have achieved with their paper. How their paper seems to make a difference can also be given in the paper. Like, the dissertation papers for humanities usually are longer and more reflective.

Now, let us see how to write a dissertation conclusion - 

1. Remind The Reader of the Purpose of your Dissertation

To write a dissertation conclusion, one must remember the purpose of the dissertation. When writing the conclusion, start with the question or hypotheses you were given to base your dissertation on. This will help the reader know the basis of your dissertation as well as the conclusion.

For example - The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between employee job satisfaction and organisational commitment in the healthcare sector.

2. Give a Summary of the Main Insights

Remember you are writing the dissertation conclusion, so you can directly write the main results and insights/findings of your research on the topic. Also, highlight the most significant research outcome for the reader to easily understand and get a grasp of the finding. At the end of the conclusion, establish the relationship of your research with the questions or the hypothesis you have worked on.

For example - The result of the dissertation was that there was a positive relationship between employee job satisfaction and organisational commitment.  The analysis conducted to understand the relationship between the two showed that factors such as work-life balance and leadership support at the workplace accounted for a 70% variance in the organisational scores.

3. Suggest Future Recommendations, Limitations, and Practical Applications

This is one of the major dissertation conclusion tips to keep in mind. Make sure to mention how your research plays an important role and how one can apply this in a practical context of real-life situations. Give a broader significance explaining how your findings are important while writing the dissertation. Also, if you see any limitations while working on the topic, you can mention them here in short for the reader to read and get a grasp.

For example - The findings imply that the healthcare organisations aim to improve the employee retention rate and well-being. By giving potential benefits such as patient care and organisational performance. However, the limitations of the study such as setting the difficulty of generalising these findings. Furthermore, research is needed to explore the effects of targeting these factors across different healthcare contexts and to check if the additional variable may have an impact on organisational commitment.

4. Highlight The Significance of your research

The main purpose of writing a dissertation conclusion is to establish how your research has a significant impact. Write how this research paper has contributed to your knowledge and understanding of the field you are working on.

Make sure to briefly elaborate on how this field of study has contributed to filling a gap. By making use of relevant academic research resources such as Google Scholar, you can get ahead of the studies and research that has already been made and come up with your new study or points you think are missing out. Make sure you can properly connect the study gap.

For example - Through this paper, you are highlighting the growing number of social media users and their impact on adolescent mental health. By designing and providing samples, establish the relationship between social media usage and negative mental health outcomes. The findings will also highlight the impact of certain social media platforms along with their usage patterns in different age groups. How social media usage shapes the mental health of a person.  How this important factor is overlooked and the impact it has.

5. Give a Strong Conclusion To Your Dissertation

The last point focuses on how to end a dissertation with a strong end point of discussion. What you have found through your research and does this fulfil the aim of your dissertation? How is your dissertation different from what is already being said in this field of study?

For example - By investing in evidence-based strategies to promote mental health at the workplace, we can create a more positive and fun environment for our employees. 
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DO’s and DONT’s while writing the dissertation conclusion -


  • Restate the Research Purpose: As a starting point, do not forget to restate your research question or hypothesis to help the reader identify study objectives. For example: The purpose of this research was to explain the correlation between retention of employees’ job contentment and organizational dedication in the healthcare sector.
  • Summarise Key Findings: Therefore, this paper asserts that shortened para-summaries of main findings and their implications to the formulated research questions bear significant value. For instance: “The findings revealed a positive relationship between employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the study with the coefficient of correlation being equal to 0.78 and a p-value < 0.001.”
  • Discuss Implications and Recommendations: As with most research, the findings of this study hold general implications on the topic under investigation, have practical implications and make recommendations for further studies.
  • Acknowledge Limitations: Check any small limitations that learners may have encountered when doing research in the course of writing your paper to offer a fair viewpoint.
  • End with a Strong Closing Statement: Summarize your work and make sure to end with a powerful call to action. For example: Thus, spending a few dollars to support the use of the best strategies to enhance the health of the workforce, would create a healthier, more efficient, and productive workforce in the future.


  • Avoid Introducing New Information: The conclusion should use the ideas stated in the previous papers, though no new idea, data, or argument should be introduced in this section.
  • Refrain from Repetition: Do not restate ideas mentioned in previous sections – rather incorporate and evaluate them.
  • Don't Undermine Your Research: It is useful not to use such expressions that reduce the importance of your work, for instance, employing the phrase “It is true, there is some truth in both camps, that is, on this issue.”
  • Stay Clear of Overgeneralizations: Make sure the claims that are made are evidenced in the body of your work or paper and do not make overgeneralized statements.

Hence, there is a sensible guideline for writing a conclusion of a research paper that captures the result and contribution of the study to a given discipline.

Suggestions on Dissertation Conclusion Structure

Depending on whether you’re writing an empirical or humanities-based paper, the following are the dissertation writing tips that can be customized for your dissertation conclusion:

Purpose of the Study:

Thus, the purpose of this research was to analyze…”

Stated [state research purpose], it is possible to uncover [key findings].

Key Findings and Analysis:

The findings of this study show that…

The text which resulted from the analysis of the data might look like the following statement:

These are the following findings of the current research:

Implications of the Findings:

It is further worth pointing out that the results of the present research can have major theoretical consequences for…”

‘The findings derived from this research have significant implications for…’

‘’Thus the result of this study shows that [practical application] can be realizable even if more research has to be undertaken to establish…’’

Contribution to the Field:

“This study [is useful for] [contribution to the field of [field name] by [specific contribution].”

As indicated by the above research questions, this dissertation will address a significant gap in the literature by…

‘This work provides some useful information which …’

Future Research:

But as with any study, there is much more to be discovered which future research can address including…

‘’This study calls for further research on …’’

Conclusion and Summary:

Thus, the findings of this research...

"In summary, this study..."

Lastly, this dissertation will argue…

The structures of these sentences will give a write-up on how a good conclusion is written inclusive of indicating the overall implication of your research while at the same time cautioning on the potential future research about the entire research area.


In this dissertation, I have analyzed the major [topic] determinants and uncovered new knowledge regarding [outcomes]. This paper also postulates that [summary of findings] emphasises [relevant aspect]. Despite the fact this research has advanced the knowledge base on [subject], it is likewise worthwhile to also look at [area for future exploration]. In light of these findings, the following [recommendations] have theoretical implications for [industry/field]. In general, to the discovery of new knowledge concerning [research topic], this work has laid the foundation for subsequent research in [related areas].

Frequently Asked Question

The conclusion for a dissertation should briefly reiterate the study’s aims and objectives, present an overview of the results, make recommendations, add value to the study field, and recommend a prognosis for further studies. Ideally, it should contain a clear but to-the-point summary of the findings of a study.

The duration of the conclusion also depends on the recommended number of words in the whole of the dissertation. The approximate length should be 5 to 7 percent of the entire dissertation’s paperwork, so that it is not too sparse, but not excessively extensive.

No, do not present new information, new arguments or new data in the conclusion of the report. As has been pointed out before, the conclusion should sum up the thoughts that are contained within the body of the dissertation.

The discussion section is one that offers an analysis of the research findings, positions them with regard to earlier studies and examines the consequences of the findings. The conclusion is a brief summing up of the research findings and their relevance but does not involve any sharp critical analysis.

To make your conclusion impactful:

  • Begin with a restatement of your basic question problem or hypothesis that was set at the beginning of your work.
  • Summarize the results and discuss the implications of each of them.
  • Explain what you have aimed to add to the field of knowledge.
  • It is recommended to use simple language in the text eliminating uses of words that may be repeated in the text or referred to as technical terms.
  • Conclude with a strong and the need to forward your research to be of impact. 
Olivia Smith
Olivia Smith (Academic Writing)

Olivia Smith is an expert academic writing consultant with a strong focus on delivering high-quality content that meets the rigorous demands of academic institutions. For years, Olivia has been assisting students with their assignments, research papers, and dissertations, offering insightful feedback and comprehensive writing support.

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