A Dimension of Culture Sudanese Culture With Australia

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1. Introduction

Australian and Sudan culture varies based on historical context, social structure, art crafts, and Cuisine. This culture has vast differences based on geographical location, globalisation, and due to migration. Sudan predominantly belongs to Muslim culture whereas Australia belongs to British culture by following European influences and Indigenous culture. The main aim of the essay is to analyse the competitive analysis of Sudanese and Australian culture that has been assessed based on values, food, understanding of cultural preferences, and western style.

Thesis statement

The organisational culture of Australia and Sudan involving leadership and collaborative activities has significantly influenced the working capacity of the employees in the countries.

2. Main body

Theoretical explanation with chosen dimension of culture

assignment sample

 Figure 1: Hofstede's cultural dimension

(Source: The Culture Factor, 2024)

The application of Hofstede's cultural dimension showcases cultural values by focusing on influential behaviour (Jan, Allshare and Lane, 2022). In Sudan the power distance is about 80% as compared to Australia, as Sudanese follow authoritative figures and hierarchical organisational culture in terms of decision-making. In terms of individualism, Australia has high individualism about 50% by prioritising more on achievement and the ability to achieve the overall goals of the organisation. Australia has increased its masculinity culture by becoming obsessed with societal influences to showcase achievement regarding social and political disclosure(Jotanovic, 2019). Sudan has a high uncertainty avoidance culture, as the Sudan people follow strict rules and regulations that encounter stability leading to change. Thus, the impact of the cultural differences in terms build productive relationships through collaboration and communication in terms of showcasing new ideas in the project.

Selected Dimension of Culture

The selected dimensions of culture include individualism which in turn showcases achievement and personal goals analysed based on Australian and Sudanese culture (The Culture Factor, 2024). Through these insights the impact of cultural dimension reshaping cultural identity by analysing the difference in Western culture. Sudan follows a collective societal culture by prioritising more individual needs, whereas Australia maintains an individualistic culture by prioritising more on self-resilience more effectively for a multicultural society.

Overview of Australian cultural group and Sudan group dimension

Australian cultural groups are based on the concept of delivering individualism, self-resilience and personal autonomy. For example, the workers in the organisations are allowed to make independent decisions with strong initiatives (Javanmardi Kashan, Wiewiora and Mohannak, 2021). On the other hand, Australian cultural aspects are related to continuous innovation which is beneficial for future startups (Muskat et al., 2021). In this context, the citizens of the country are permitted to obtain individual achievements with future objectives.

In the case of Sudanese culture, the overall concept and idea is based on delivering importance to community, family and loyalty to groups. In the current scenario, the country of Sudan holds significance due to its power in social harmony and mutual support. On the other hand, the primary decisions in life-related to business and choice of career are discussed with families and persons in close relationships (Jameela, 2022). As per the analysis, this cultural process of the country is hugely important for rural areas in order to deliver an adequate amount of resources.

Comparative analysis of Sudanese culture and Australian culture

The working pattern followed in Sudan and Australia has distinctive features that also illustrate the organisational culture followed in the countries. For instance, business leaders in Sudan provide effective guidance to the workers regarding the smooth execution of operational activities (Yaw, 2023). On the other hand, leadership activities in Australia are more flexible and provide the employees with an opportunity of executing operations as per individual understanding. In Australia, companies have provided training programmes for its employees with the intention to develop leadership skills efficiently. For example, BHP Biton has made tie-ups with Melbourne Business School and has invested $20 million to include Indigenous leadership programmes within its work culture (BHP Group, 2024). Overall, the leadership culture in Australia is more flexible than that followed in countries such as Sudan.

Sudan has a collaborative work culture that helps companies in the smooth completion of business projects within the allotted time. For example, employees of the Dal Group contribute a part of the salary to provide financial help to a charitable trust and enhance the goodwill of the company (Dal Group, 2024). On the other hand, companies in Australia believe in autonomy and the business decisions are taken by the employer without the involvement of the employees. Overall, companies in Sudan have a more prominent collaborative work culture than Australia.

Implications for managing in the global environment

In the current competitive era, managing the global environment through leadership, communication, and teamwork encounters organisational success (Sharma, Dhiman, and Srivastava, 2023). Indirect communication is maintained by the Sudan people whereas Australian people follow direct communication. Sudan followed a hierarchical leadership style, whereas Australia followed a participative leadership style in making flexible decisions. Thus, cultural values foster better relationships and encounter success in the global landscape.

3. Conclusion

From the overall analysis, the Sudanese and Australian cultures are differentiable based on the concept of power distance, individualism, and leadership styles. These aspects are important in the workplace process of future startups. It can be concluded that collectivism holds significance in Sudan as well as autonomy in Australia.

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