Examining and Evaluating the Changing Influences on Australian Education Policy

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1. Introduction

Neoliberal policy reforms are considered a significant impact on all aspects of education in the Australian context. This contains the recruitment methods used by academic institutions, education and assessment procedures, as well as students with respect for the community outcomes. This includes an illustration of the aspects and factors of Neoliberalism that helped to transform educational practices with the integration of STEM. Melbourne (2008) and Alice Springs (2019) declarations as well as NAPLAN influenced the educational practices related to neoliberalism. The overall exploration has examined the importance of skilled practices and technological understanding to satisfy international industry needs.

2. Historical Context of Australian Education Policy

In the current competitive era, neoliberalism has massively affected the education system by focusing on measurable outcomes and accountability in addressing student performance. As stated by Gibbons (2018), higher education increases global competitiveness that is based on quality and excellence regarding education based on student choice. The evolution in the education policy of Australia includes religious influences, colonial administration, and a state-based education system by expanding its access to primary and secondary schools. In the traditional education system, teacher-centric education has significant demand whereas, in the current scenario, personalised education has high demand in the market depending on uniformity in education. As stated by Hardy (2024), Australia's schooling policy genuinely provides educational opportunities through the ability to handle student learning preciously through a universal access process. Uniformity in Australian school education is based on a dress code that has been determined by the school council and boards more effective for public and private education (Wolfe, 2024). Right to education in Australia curriculum development provides equitable access based on analysing the socioeconomic background of the people. Increasing inequality due to the adoption of pre-neoliberal policies that are due to funding disparities and widespread selective schooling in accessing quality education (Kwon, 2018). The claim of education inequality rises in Australia due to shifting from public to private schools leading to high rises in fees, geographical factors, selective enrolment, and parental involvement in terms of lowering student involvement towards education.

The Karmel report 1973 has served significant education policy by following “market-based” principles that encountered shifts based on parental choices (Karmel, 1973). The market-based policies increase its efficiency by overcoming criticism regarding inequalities increasing competition in the market. The National Assessment Program (NAP) is more effective in analysing the literacy skills of the students to improve their learning by overcoming racial discrimination. Australia has taken an innovative approach to serving education where renowned policy and recognized coherent structure encounter development based on unique experiences (Government of Australia, 2024). Although, Australia has committed towards the active engagement of the student by encountering an active reform program in serving high-quality education by maintaining the Australian qualification framework. Thus, pre-neoliberal education policies have contributed to inequality by focusing on universal access to education through regional perspectives.

3. Neoliberalism and School Choice in Australia

The schooling system in Australia has been characterised by deep inequalities as the neoliberalism concept has become dominant since 1980. The policies of neoliberalism have a significant and dramatic impact on the educational structure of Australia. The neoliberal policies are also based on the core belief that freeing the education market from the restrictions and regulations of the government and all the resources could be distributed more eventually. According to the study of Perry et al. (2024), the schooling system of Australia has been more competitive and choice, more segregated in terms of society that created greater inequality in the education system. The historical perspective of implementing school choice in Australia to make the schools private of charitable churches that mainly focuses on more studies in Bible by the children and maintaining equality in the education system (Cahill & Gray, 2010). Hence, it can be determined that the implementation of school choice in Australia has been made with positive sense; later, it was converted into controversy among the people.

The emergence of school choice has been signified as a vital impediment in terms of delivering an equitable and equal education in Australia, as choice is also not available for everyone in the country that experienced inequality in education. Australia, the radical schooling reform agenda for improving the literacy attainment of school children, especially in their primary years of education (Jarvie & Mercer, 2022). The education system in Australia has a tripartite system where the government as well as non-government schools exist in the market equally. In order to varying degrees, the schools receive recurrent funding on an annual basis from state and Commonwealth governments (Donnelly, 2012). Thus, the market competition in the Australian schooling system is high, and neoliberalism has had a significant impact on the education system of the country.

According to the study of Lee & Stacey (2023), the education system of Australia has features with considerable socioeconomic inequality, and for this reason it is a common source of controversy in the public life of the country. Further, the meaningful reform of the system has been proven elusive. In Australia, the educational reforms have been driven by the neoliberal system that exacerbated inequality in education, and the primary market-based competition has been considered as the main core of the system. Further, in Australia, the rise of neoliberalism significantly promotes marketization as well as privatisation, and also education becoming a commodity that all the parents are not able to buy for their children.

4. Literacy Reforms (1996-2001) and Standardised Testing

The literacy reforms in Australia made during the period of 1996 and 2001 have been developed significantly to provide students with quality learning in 2024. For example, the introduction of Middle Year literary reforms in 2001 helped the Australian government enhance the knowledge of children aged between 7 to 12 years regarding social and physical education efficiently (Choudhry et al., 2019). The inclusion of the middle years programme also provided training facilities to teachers aged between 35 to 40 years with the intention of improving individual efficiency of utilising technologies such as computers efficiently (Choudhry et al., 2019). Overall, the middle-year literary reform helped the government enhance the skills of the teachers and students efficiently.

On the other hand, the educational reforms implemented by the Australian government in 2024 include the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program that helps develop digital knowledge regarding the use of AI and IoT to students above the age of 15 years. The Australian Government has invested $20.9 million in funding to introduce a new student literacy program to provide students with the knowledge regarding use of technology such as phonic screening (Reeve, 2022). Overall, the literacy policy implemented by the Australian government has helped to improve the quality of education provided to students.

The educational reforms implemented by the Australian government also include the introduction of the NAPLAN test that helps young students understand concepts prominently. According to Roberts & Barblett (2024), the NAPLAN test is provided by the Australian government to children aged between 3 to 9 years and helps enhance the numeric skills of the stakeholders. The Australian government has enhanced the number of children admitted to preschool through the implementation of NAPLAN tests efficiently. For instance, the total number of children admitted in preschool in Australia will be around 337305 in 2023 (Statista, 2024). Overall, the introduction of reforms such as NAPLAN has helped to improve the educational quality provided in Australian institutions.

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Figure 1: Preschool admission of Children in Australia

(Source: Statista, 2024)

The accountability of teachers has also been an important factor that has significantly influenced the quality of education provided in the country. The Australian government has introduced policies such as the Melbourne Declaration on educational goals for students with an intent to enhance the skills of teachers. Overall, the initiatives mentioned above have helped Australia to enhance educational standards efficiently.

5. Education funding and Gonski Review

Gonski Review ensures students serve high-quality education by analysing the gap in education in terms of providing additional support based on their specific needs (Government of Australia, 2014). The impact of this review towards finding equality serves as additional support by analysing the socio-economic status of the people through significant improvement. In Australian schools, educational excellence depends on trends in improving educational inequality by carrying out targeted support from the government (Parliament of Australia, 2011). The principles of the Gonski Review have a massive impact on Australian education by improving the rise of inequality in education that is due to selective enrolment, rises in competition, and governmental funding. The key tension regarding educational funding due to undertaking neoliberal policies leading to rises of privatisation, and selective enrolment in education based on market (Beiter, 2022). Thus, the impact of the funding model has been carried out based on student needs by catering to specific education by focussing on equality and access. Thus, Neoliberal policies encounter improvement in education by decreasing spending in public schools equitable for students.

The Australian government has provided financial assistance to educational institutions to ensure the smooth execution of the teaching process. For instance, the government has provided financial help worth $567.8 million through the Australian Official Development Assistance to educational institutions for involving technologies in the teaching process (Clarke, 2024b). On the other hand, the local authorities have also provided financial assistance worth $30.2 billion to non-government schools in Australia for developing the recruitment processes executed in educational institutions (Clarke, 2023). The Australian government has also provided funds worth $9.9 billion to Catholic schools to provide updated information to students on religious texts such as the Bible significantly (Government of Australia, 2022). Overall, the financial help provided by the Australian government to educational institutions has developed the teaching processes efficiently.

6. The STEM Education Agenda and Neoliberalism

Neoliberal education policy is considered an important aspect in the development of STEM education integrated by the highest authorities of Australia. STEM education and training safeguard detailed understanding and abilities in technology, science, engineering and mathematics (Clarke, 2022). It also protects the connections between these subjects, so that knowledge can be provided in an integrated way and provides an opportunity to deepen the four areas. In 2015, all Australian education ministers approved the “National STEM School Education Strategy” for the year 2016-2026, which concentrates on foundational talents (Clarke, 2022). It helped in generating maths, science and literacy, and encouraging problem-solving, critical analysis as well as creative thinking.

On the other hand, Neoliberal approaches in academics and education include a powerful effect on budget and funding. As administrations cut spending on schooling, the financial responsibility has diverted to people and families. The impact of neoliberalism on STEM education is important, in terms of transnational practices across civilisations, and improved the role of work for the betterment of the future (Mudaly &Chirikure, 2023). In the current scenario, the STEM educational process is important for developing skilled individuals in order to compete with market demand.

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Figure 2: STEM Education Australia development

(Source: Government of Western Australia, 2016)

Currently, 75% of employment in growing enterprises needs employees with STEM skills (Government of Western Australia, 2016). For example, in the last couple of years, the Australian government has funded the “STEM Partnerships Forum” resulting in proper collaboration of students with the global industries for the purpose of future employment (Clarke, 2024). In order to stay competitive, the Australian workforce requires individuals who can adjust to the varying working environment. STEM gives people the talent to grow and adjust in this transforming world. The overall educational process has benefited innovation with growth in the economic aspects of the country.

7. National Declarations and Their Neoliberal Influence

“The Melbourne Declaration (2008)” is considered one of the important aspects of neoliberal education goals in Australia that has benefited individuals to encounter the competitive environment. For example, the integration of NAPLAN was beneficial for the declaration in order to generate measurable outcomes for education (Lee et al., 2022). In the context of the neoliberal concept, declaration is important for the growth of skills in young individuals specifically for literacy. The declaration sets out two major purposes, the first concentrates on education in Australia to advance equality and excellence (Neoh, 2021). The second declaration strives to ensure that all young Australians are prosperous in learning and become confident, innovative, trustworthy and intelligent individuals.

“Alice Springs Education Declaration (2019)” is also considered an important aspect of neoliberal education goals that primarily focuses on the concepts of digital literacy. For example, the execution of “Digital Technologies in the Australian Curriculum” has benefited students to obtain an understanding of digital transformation in order to get future jobs in the IT sectors (Australian Curriculum, 2017). The “Alice Springs Education Declaration” develops a concept for a world-class schooling approach that promotes and sustains every learner to achieve their best in future (Department of Education, 2019). Neoliberalism believes that education methods should be governed by unrestricted market regulations. Neoliberals acknowledge that academics should be privatised, give more preference and representation to parents and students as well as support monitoring and regulation. As per the analysis, both declarations are based on the ideas of neoliberal education which helped obtain the required skills and talents as per the international industries.

8. School Reform: Making Every School a Great School (Labor Party Policy)

The Labour Party education forum in Australia is one of the major political parties in the country, and the Labour Party has promised after the 2007 election that it will make an education revolution (Parliament of Australia, 2024a). The reform of schools makes every school better and great and provides education to the labour of a country to make the people more knowledgeable regarding their jobs. As mentioned by the Parliament of Australia (2024b), the government of Australia believes that along with world-class schools, a country is able to build high participation and high productivity in the economy and also give rewarding opportunities and also satisfy them. As per the labour party education forum, the government in Australia has been making major investments in order to reverse the underfunding issues in schools. The Gillard Labor Government also undertook some major reforms along with the goal of making the schools of Australia better.

In the recent era, the education policies of Australia have been shaped by the neoliberal influences that mainly led to a stronger focus on the improvement of school policies, enhancing teacher accountability, and facilitating curriculum. Under the neoliberalism principle, governments of many countries make deductions in financial support for schools that create barriers in school improvement plans and policies that have been adversely affected in Australia (Nakar & Olssen, 2021). In comparison with the other neoliberalism education reforms, such as shaping all schools as private and addressing inequalities and differences in education with the Labour Party education forum, it has been determined that it has a greater impact on the reform of schools in Australia.

9. Conclusion

Based on the above analysis, it has been addressed that changes in the education policy encounter the key influences of Neoliberalism and the impact of market-based education improves efficiency. The historic policy of the Australian education system encounters significant changes that lead to rises in inequality based on high rises of funds in private schools. Positive and negative impacts of school choice have been discussed in detail by focusing on parental choice, innovation, and encounter improvement related to accountability in assessing the quality of education. Changing inclusive education policies of Australia day by day, as political rationality becomes the major issue that encounters fundamental shifts through STEM agenda education policy. The literary reforms and standardised testing have been discussed by analysing student knowledge of technology addressed based on pre-school tests. Significant educational funding and Gonski Review have carried out steps towards equitable education by overcoming privatisation and deregulation.

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