Leadership In Nursing

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Slide 2: Leadership in Nursing

As time goes on, nurses are more and more expected to influence care through their actions as leaders (Maziero et al., 2020). In this area, I will explore how health leaders acted in a particular situation during my practical placement at an acute mental health ward during patient enrolment of medicine and its life-threatening complications. Some of the topics will include the characteristics of transformational leaders, how they impact teamwork, and their role in making decisions to enhance patient well-being. The following exploration seeks to focus on how effective leadership brings about a healthy practice in the workplace and influences the general health of the patients in nursing practice.

Slide 3: The Scenario

In my practical experience in an acute mental health ward, I realized Transformational leadership by the head nurse, during a particular event. During the preparation of the breakfast for the patients, one of the patients collapsed and stopped breathing and a support worker pressed the emergency button. The nurse came to the scene immediately determined the management plan, assigned specific tasks to the other staff and established satisfactory approaches to crisis management. This case was selected for exploration because of its ability to illustrate the importance of strong-tactical decision-making in crisis-prone contexts, the nature of efficient communication, and delegation to improve patient safety outcomes in a pressured context. 

Slide 4: Leadership theory

Leadership is a highly intricate and multifaceted concept. It has been thoroughly examined over time and has gained more significance in today's fast-paced and increasingly globalized world than ever (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Leadership is crucial in healthcare since it increases cooperation and manner of communication besides encouraging creativity thus increasing positive patient care results.

Slide 5: Leadership theory

Leaders in this field make sure that the teamwork strategies bear a focal vision, promote motivation, and address issues of decision-making. Through leadership in fostering direction and commitment at the team level, healthcare leaders guarantee a constant focus on patient safety and high-quality care (Falade et al., 2024). Apart from promoting positive interpersonal relationships among the staff, this approach to working improves the efficiency of the care that is delivered, to the patients and the workers.

Slide 6: Leadership Style

The appropriate leadership type for the selected situation is Transformational leadership because, in this approach, the focus is made on formal assignments and the use of organized patterns of relations by leaders and followers. A transformational leader can influence their followers by promoting integrity, prioritizing the needs of others, raising awareness of issues, and motivating self-improvement (Asbari, Santoso & Prasetya, 2020). This style works to sustain a steady state and encourages people to do things in a certain way by ensuring that the outcome is correct.           

Slide 7: Transformational leadership Theory

Scenario Context: Sometimes, in my practical at an acute mental health ward, for example, a patient collapsed and became unconscious. The nurse in charge being an example of Transformationalleadership was able to quickly analyse the situation assign responsibilities effectively and ensure the preservation of order.

Theory Application:

The nurse’s actions align with the characteristics of Transformational leadership:

  • Contingent Rewards:They made sure that people working in their team knew what was expected of them by way of giving very clear instructions.
  • Management-by-Exception:They can control performance during the emergency by constantly taking vital signs and capillary blood glucose tests.
  • Acting with Integrity: They express values as guiding frameworks—helping individuals with the decisions and choices they are confronted with (Newton, Pepper & Soane, 2024).

Slide 8: Transformational leadership Theory


The most well-known and influential leadership theory is the Transformational Leadership theory, first created by American political scientist James MacGregor Burns in the late 1970s (Eaton, Bridgman & Cummings, 2024). Although Transformational leadership may do a great job of promoting highly formalized work settings and immediate objectives, problems such as intrinsic drive and strategic planning may go unnoticed. Whenever time and precision are of the essence, as in a medical crisis, clear communication is a highly effective skill.

Slide 9: Transformational leadership Theory

The nurse's adequate and assertive behaviours represent Transformational leadership which is beneficial to solving a crisis scenario by emphasising the accomplishment of tasks and friendly communication between the employees and managers improving performance and reward aspects (Flores et al., 2023). This approach guarantees a quick response to emergencies and complies with the normalized protocols, thus illustrating both the applicative potential and the theoretic orthodoxy within the sphere of healthcare activity.

Slide 10: Clinical Decision Making 

The observed clinical decisions were centred on deductive and prescriptive reasoning patterns of decision-making. The patient had fallen and when the nurse in charge found him, he was unconscious; she immediately reasoned deductively for causes related to the patient’s condition and available standard protocols for handling the unresponsive.

Specific Aspects:

A rapid assessment was conducted using the identification of the patient vital physical characteristics and a capillary blood glucose test; this was systematic data collection (Bappy & Solanki, 2023).It was consistent with formulations consistent with clinical protocols as well as evidencing prescriptive reasoning.

Slide 11: Clinical Decision Making 


Although this form of decision-making guarantees the initiation of an action, it might not be very effective when it comes to meeting specific individual patient requirements (Conroy et al., 2021). Using these standard processes can work well when it comes to safety but tends to make one overlook the uniqueness of each patient who is in an emergency, which poses a weakness of these guidelines during emergencies. There is always a challenge between sticking to the protocols and going against the grain to do what you know is best for the patient.

Slide 12: Personal Learning and Future Development

The knowledge I gained out of the critical incident in the acute mental health ward is encountering the nurse in charge of the patient’s area. The situation outlined how fast and efficient decision-making could benefit patient care while the capacity demonstrated how structured leadership also benefits the team's productivity by allowing a nurse to delegate tasks while focusing on assessing patient conditions. I realized that everyone should have a role and expectation, especially in case of emergencies, thus the practical implications of Transformational leadership.

Slide 13: Personal Learning and Future Development

In future personal nursing practice, this will encourage the development of good leadership skills and teamwork. In order to, enhance my leadership abilities, I plan to participate in workshops offered through mentorship programs. Alongside, I will try to improve my communication skills to be an effective mediator for cooperation in multidisciplinary teams. Communication skills and transformational leadership style have significant direct impacts on nurses' job satisfaction (Jankelová & Joniaková, 2021). In order to enhance my learning further, I plan to practice reflection, in a way that I will be able to find out how I responded to some clinical questions. It has been established that this approach will not only improve the quality of clinical judgment but also will help me become more prepared for a leadership role in any healthcare organization; therefore, improving the outcomes of care delivery and the dynamics of the staff.

Slide 14: Conclusion

This presentation has provided an account of leadership in nursing and was drawn from a scenario derived from my placement in an acute mental health ward. This demonstrated the effective mode of transactional leadership when the nurse in charge of the staff was captured in a medical emergency. In addition, the process of making clinical decisions is also discussed, with a special focus on deductive and prescriptive decisions. Learning achieved for the person and their plans were identified and therefore showed that good leadership and communication are vital for improving the quality of the services delivered to the patients as well as the functioning of the healthcare team.

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