Reflection on Teaching ANNT: Learning Theories and Strategies

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In this assignment, the concern will be placed on the reflection of a teaching done in Episode of Care 1 in view of the objective to promote learning. The teaching session was about ANNT (aseptic non touch technique) in giving wound care. The intended audience for this session was junior to the learner/practitioner. This paper will reflect on and crit the learning and teaching theories and strategies utilised in a particular teaching practice session as well as the duties of the nurse in the learning process of the group. The assignment shall also comprise the barriers to learning that was experienced during the session and the facilitators to learning. The format of this assignment will focus on placing the context: the setting and participants, theories and methods of learning and teaching used, the nurse as a learning facilitator, and list of references.


Teaching session, about the patient case, was given in Episode of Care 1, where the context was rather clinical. The participants were junior learners/colleagues in practice, and all were nursing students in their last year of training. The objectives of the teaching session included imparting to the participants basic skills and knowledge needed in performing ANNT while giving a wound care. The expected learning outcome for this session was that the participants should be able to comprehend and practice ANNT which is an important in wound care to avoid infection and pave way for healing. The medical professional must carry out some priceless procedures while under pressure. Incorporated in myseasons, therefore, would be the psychomotor theory, since I allowed the learner to implement what I havetaken once I have illustrated it. For example, after demonstrating how to set up a sterile filled and, one proceeds to demonstrate how to set it up for use, and then for cleaning after use.

if they had never learned how to handle wound dressing without contaminating them, I let the students demonstrate how they tried.

This is also in agreements with the psychomotor theory which enhances skills in the learner throughparticipation. For example, some people slow when attempting to handle the instruments or when dressing.

without coming in contact with non sterile areas. In such cases, I provide copious comments and allow themthey must practice until they have to add it. It is important to make them remember what kind of interactive process such an understanding requires be it shared activity.

by use of muscle memory and therefore increase their self-esteem (Tanner et al., 2021). Additionally,I assure the students of the concern to practice self-analysis after every practice, and by so

By encouraging learners to critically evaluate their performance they can also have a consideration for further areaswhere enhancements may perhaps be enhanced.

Teaching and Learning Theories and Techniques Applied

The teaching methods employed in this session included a traditional teacher centered approach as well as some learner centered techniques. The content of the PowerPoint presentation aimed at informing the participants about ANNT, as a general definition, its justification and the procedural algorithm regarding the use of ANNT. This method used was healthy since it enabled the transfer of knowledge to the participants, who were not familiar with this idea. Of the two, the practical approach involved the participants viewing a session of the ANNT technique and then engaging in a simulated demonstration where they attempted to perform the various steps of the method as shown in the video. This method proved to be useful because after mastering a particular material, it allows to consolidate the previously received knowledge, and acquire new practical skills(McClure & Black, 2013b).

From among the learning theories that informed the teaching session, the behaviourist theory was one which holds that learning takes place through a process of shaping or reinforcing desirable behaviour (McLeod, 2024). In this case, the practical demonstration in the session facilitated the review of the correct behaviour within ANNT as the desired behaviour. The demonstration and practice also provided repeated practice which forms part of behaviourist theory of learning.

The other learning theory that the teaching methods in this study were based on was the constructivist theory learning is realised through participation in the co construction of knowledge. The practical approach adopted in this session enabled the learners to be involved practically and therefore make own conclusion about the realization of the concept. This was further supported by using a simulation as the setting for applying learnt theory because it provides a real world feel to it(Tabbner's Nursing Care, 2021).

The PowerPoint also found support in the cognitive learning theory because learners are portrayed as active information processors. The presentation also facilitated the use of teaching aids which assisted the learners in their encoding process. It also provided an opportunity to arrange and sequence information as a way of passing over difficult concepts to the learners(Wallace, 2016).

Concerning safety, issues regarding the safety of learning was also taken in the teaching session into consideration. It is possible to safely argue that a safe environment must be created in the course of learning as it enhances motivation and learning activity and eliminates certain barriers. During this session, the environment created favored learning since there was enough space for the participants to practice and question. Teacher-student relationship was also positive since the participants could ask for clarification where necessary(Suzanne Gatt , 2013).

Appropriate equipment and materials require

The equipment and the materials that are needed for ANTT in wound care are specified as follows;

Sterile gloves: These are most important in creating a barrier between the hands of the provider, preferably between the palms so that there is limited or no contact at all in performing several activitiesand the wound site. Such precaution enhances sterility by avoiding direct contact with the surface hence the use of sterile gloves helps reduce contamination(McClure & Black, 2013a).

Sterilised dressing packs: Everything that may be needed for, or during, dressing change is included in each pack, includingsterilised gauze pads and tape are necessary and should not be confused with surgical instruments. Sterilised dressing reduces the risks of pollination that is likely to occur any time a dressing is being applied(McClure & Black, 2013b).

compared to preparing materials from sources individually, in this case, an overall benefit.

Antiseptic solution: The preparation of good antiseptic such as Chlorohexidine or iodine is

used before dressing the wound, to clean it. This step is necessary to try to eliminate as many microorganisms as possible so their count will be less for the soil to deal with.

Forceps and scissors: The dressing should be handled by sterile force and forget ever touching themdirectly. Tape can be cut with a pair of scissors and the gauze; however, both are best produced when using theuse of non-recognition abilities in order to keep them clean (Heydenrych et al., 2021).

Biohazard containers for waste disposal: Appropriate waste materials that must be used in the process should be disposed of in biohazard containers to minimize issues of cross contamination, whichmay also contribute to the failure of the set health standards.

Nurse’s role on facilitating learning

It will also demonstrate how the nurse’s facilitate learning for the individual and group to enhance learning outcomes. Hence, during this teaching session the nurse acted as a moderator who offers general directions and encouragement to the learners throughout the learning process. The role of the facilitator included the nurse creating the right climate for learning, and proactively providing for learning resources and experiences(Seldomridge & Walsh, 2006).

The nurse was also an evaluator since he observed and evaluated the learning of the participants during the practical session. This was particularly useful in determining directions for enhancement and giving feedback to the learners. The nurse also offered encouragement and rewards to the participants & this encouraged the participants and made them learn more.

Challenges to achieving learning goals and facilitators of student learning.

As the outcome of tutorial, there may be some factors that have facilitated and or inhibit the learning process. Another reason for slowed learning was the amount of time allocated to the session. Due to the high level of difficulty regarding the topic of ANNT, more time will be required before practice and reinforcement of all the skills acquired are inculcated. Due to this, some participants did not understand the concept well of were unable to practice sufficiently to enhance their adoption of the concept(Suzanne Gatt , 2013).

But there were enhancing factors that favored learning in the session too. It was evident that the application of a combination of the didactic and other practical teaching methods encouraged learning. The ANNT simulation also used minimised the amount of anxiety and fear that some of the participants may have had towards practicing ANNT for the first time. Secondly, both the teacher and the students had a positive attitude towards each other, the participants appreciated assistance and clarification which helped the students(Suzanne Gatt , 2013).

Below are the limitations which include the following;

Training gaps: To the best of my knowledge, inadequate training may result in improper utilization oftechniques. For example, if staff are not clearly ever of the principle of ANTT, they may touchsurfaces and make it sterile(Seldomridge & Walsh, 2006).

Resource availability: From the literature, I noted that inadequate availability of sterile supply is always present in thepractices of the ANTT. For instance, in developing regions, poor availability may mean thatsome members of staff using non sterile items when sterile ones are hard to come by which of course escalatesinfection risk.

Physical factors: Accession to contaminated areas is actualized bearing high traffic especially in clinical areas. If wound care processif the workers are in a busy environment, then the paths may hinder sterility.

Time constraints: This would include tight work schedules that likely to put health care givers or hastenthe execution of procedures and enhance the risk of generating mistakes. For instance, the hasty change of dressing might reduce important measures applied to various asepsis practices(Wallace, 2016).


Therefore, implementing the teaching session on performing ANNT during the wound care process was helpful in promoting learning as the facilitator observed. Educational methods based on principles of behaviourism, constructivism and cognitive learning theories used in the process were suitable for audience targeted and provided the intended learning outcomes. Through facilitation and evaluation, it was ascertained that the nurse effectively performed her/firm’s important role of helping individuals and the overall group learn. Even though there are scenarios that contribute to reduced learning, the participants were able to learn different aspects throughout the given session and fine-tune the requisite skills and knowledge that is required to accomplish the components of the learning objectives.

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